Conyers to graduates: Be ‘watchful’

Published 7:53 pm Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Veteran educator and Bainbridge City Councilman Luther Conyers asked the Bainbridge High School graduating class of 2010 to be “watchful” and to prepare for their future success Sunday night.

Delivering the message at the first baccalaureate service held at the new Bainbridge High School, Conyers referred to Bible scripture, positive catchphrases and a good helping of practical advice in an attempt to spur the students on toward further achievements.

Conyers built the theme of his speech around the acronym of “WATCH,” telling students to watch their “Words, Attitude, Thoughts and Character.”

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“To watch means to be alert—to be aware of everything that will affect your success in life.”

“Watch the words that you speak … there is power in words … what you say to yourself will become your GPS for success or failure.”

Conyers defined attitude as a “state of readiness to respond to a given stimulus.” He said students would face many challenges in life but urged them to keep a positive attitude throughout, that facing problems would make them stronger.

The long-time teacher implored students to fill their minds with positive thoughts.

“If you don’t think it, you can’t attain it … whatever you make the focus of your thinking will become the basis of your behavior.”

Character, Conyers said, is “not what others think of you, it’s who you see when you look in the mirror.” A person should do a daily self-check of whether they are making their best effort to succeed, he said.

“If you build good character, you will not have to worry about your reputation. What you think of yourself is key to how you will perform,” Conyers said.

The last letter of “WATCH” stands for Heart, Conyers said. Students should be careful of how they treat others and strive to have a forgiving heart filled with love for their fellow man.

Finally, Conyers closed with a Bible verse and a piece of an inspirational poem.

From Phillipians 4:8, he recited, “Finally,- brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Luther Conyer’s Baccalaureate Address