River races, rummage sale coming soon
Published 2:35 pm Monday, April 5, 2010
It’s time to get out on the water and what better place to do that than at River Town Days on May 8. This year, the River Raft Race will be back for its third year. This year, instead of racing in the Boat Basin, homemade self-propelled rafts will race down the Flint River. There’s a $25 entry fee for each raft in this winner takes all competition.
If you’ve got a kayak, head on down to the Boat Basin for the River Town Days Kayak Race. It’s free to enter the inaugural race and the first place kayak wins $50.
Now is also the time to reserve your space in the Great River Rummage set for Friday and Saturday May 7-8 at River Town Days. The River Rummage is one of the most eagerly awaited events held during the River Town Days festival. For $25 individuals, church and school groups, and civic organizations can set up for a great weekend of fundraising for your group. No food items, controversial items or animals are allowed to be sold in the River Rummage.
Applications and complete rules for the raft and kayak races are available from the Chamber of Commerce or on www.bainbridgegachamber.com To register for either race, contact Adrienne Harrison by calling 243-8555.
To reserve a space in the Great River Rummage, call the Chamber of Commerce at 229-246-4774 or visit www.bainbridgegachamber.com