Published 8:10 pm Friday, March 26, 2010
One of the most disgusting things I’ve had to endure in my 43 years of living in Decatur County is road side trash.
Recently, I decided to clean up one mile of highway trash near my home. This took some time, but I really felt good about it after I finished.
I plan to do this monthly.
I challenge each family in the county to do the same.
Several people stopped to say hello and thanked me for the good job I was doing. I’d like to thank Tim Thompson for stopping and helping me.
I’m convinced it will make the county look better and make us feel better, too.
If you will call Suzanne Brandt with Keep America Beautiful she will furnish you with adequate material to help you do the job. Her phone number is 246-3611.
It’s my opinion that, “It’s trashy people who throw trash on the roadside.”
Ray HarrellBainbridge, Ga.