Hope common courtesy rules
Published 3:54 pm Friday, August 14, 2009
Hopefully you have been reading that Rep. Sanford Bishop is coming to Bainbridge for a town hall meeting.
He will be at the Kirbo Center on Thursday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
What I would like to ask the good people of Bainbridge is that each person attending this special informational meeting, show respect for this gentleman and that respect is shown to the people who have legitimate questions to ask him.
From what I understand of the health care bill as it is written today, I personally am against it but also certainly feel others have a right to their opinion too.
I promise I won’t yell and scream against your opinion if it doesn’t agree with mine, and I would hope you wouldn’t yell and scream against mine.
There is certainly a need for a better health care system in the United States, but I don’t feel we are owed health care by the government.
I feel it is time we start looking at America’s financial health and start cutting out some of the frivolous spending that has been going on in Washington.
I don’t think people are angry just about the health care bill, I think they are angry on many, many issues our representatives are forcing us into.
I plan on attending the town hall meeting on Thursday, and I hope common courtesy rules the meeting so we can question, hear and opine with Rep. Bishop.
Yours truly,Barbara P. SnellBainbridge, Ga.