Seniors play catch-up with business
Published 4:45 pm Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The seniors at Decatur County Senior Center have been so busy lately with trips, lunches and dinners out and their raffle this summer that we have got behind on our Seniors of the Month.
So please forgive us and let us play catch-up for the next couple weeks.
Our first Senior of the Month is for March, who is Katherine Atkinson. Ms. Atkinson came to us about two years ago as a friend of Vivian Bush and they both are still coming. Ms. Atkinson is single, (pay attention you men out there) and lives with her son here in Bainbridge. She was born in Miller Count but has lived most of her life here in Bainbridge.
Ms. Atkinson has two daughters as well as her son, five grandchildren and two great-grandsons. All of which, she is very proud and happy to brag about to anyone who will listen.
Ms. Atkinson retired from United Plastics in 1990 and enjoys reading and gardening. I can tell you for a fact, she loves reading as this reporter can’t get a book read until Ms. Atkinson is wanting to read it. She’s a faithful helper at the center and as long as a car will come get her, she will help with any project we have going. If you’ve bought any raffle tickets from the center, you may have bought it from her or she was there as she’s the second to volunteer to go, right behind her favorite co-hort, Ms. Eleanor. They and this reporter spent many an hour in the sun at Kmart and Wal-Mart selling raffle tickets. And if you need someone to talk with just get Ms. Atkinson as she always willing to talk. We love and appreciate all she does and our center would not be the same without her.
Ms. Atkinson loves coming to the center for fellowship, bingo, games, exercise and crafts and of course outings. She says if she could change anything, it would be that we have more crafts. But of course that means more money or supplies, all of which we are always short of. But we’re always working on doing better.
Remember if you have any craft supplies you’re not using, we would always love to have them and we’ll be glad to pick them up.
April’s senior
Katie Dasher has the honor of being the Senior of the Month for April, and it is much deserved. Mrs. Dasher is married to Jack Dasher and has been for over seven years. They met right here at the Senior Center over eight years ago when Ms. Dasher starting coming to the center with her good friend, Ollie Josey (Ms. Josey was a member at the center until her passing). Ms. Dasher is originally from Miller County, one of 10 children, three of her sisters still live here in Bainbridge. She came back to Bainbridge after living for a while in St. Petersburg, Fla.
“You know you can’t keep South Georgia people away long.”
Ms. Dasher has four daughters, one living in St. Petersburg, one in Miller County and two here in Bainbridge. She has seven grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. All of which she is very proud of and love dearly and she’ll be glad to tell you about them.
Ms. Dasher is an avid and talented seamstress, as are her two sisters, and is always making something. She enjoys helping us here at the center with our bears and quilts that we make here. She also loves to read and play bingo.
When she’s not at the center or with her family she also participates at the Woodman of the World and she and her husband love to go to the Woodman of the World Senior Camp each year with other couples.
She says she loves coming to the center to enjoy fellowship, bingo, exercise and outings and just wishes more people would realize how much fun it can be to come and join us at the center. We love having Ms. Dasher and appreciate all the work she does for us and look forward to having her at the center for many more years to come. Thanks Ms. Dasher for all you do.
For more information or to come visit, come to 402 W. Water St. or call Ms. Dot or Ms. Belinda at 246-8672. Have a great week.