Student shares details of D.C. visit
Published 4:22 pm Friday, June 5, 2009
A local elementary student who traveled to Washington, D.C., for her spring break thanked the Kiwanis Club for its support of her trip on Thursday.
Haleigh Poitevint, a rising fourth-grader at Elcan-King Elementary School, was one of 13 Elcan-King third-graders who visited the nation’s capitol during the school’s spring break, the first week of April.
In addition to seeing the famous presidential monuments, the students also visited a number of landmarks such as the U.S. Capitol, Ford’s Theatre, the Holocaust Museum, the International Spy Museum, the Air and Space Museum, Arlington Cemetery and Mount Vernon.
Miss Poitevint, the daughter of Wayne and Kristy Poitevint, said her favorite part of the trip was visiting the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of Natural History, where students gazed at fossils, lifelike models of whales and dinosaurs and met an on-site paleontologist.
She thanked the members of the Bainbridge Kiwanis Club, whose donation helped pay for her trip. She is a member of the K-Kids Club at Elcan-King, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club.