Photo art project for Bainbridge High School
Published 2:29 pm Friday, May 29, 2009
Submissions continue of photographs of Decatur County and specific locations/requests have been identified.
Some of the specific requests are for old photographs. Those who have pictures of the sites or items listed should bring old photos to BHS for scanning or send images.
Originals of old photos will be returned post haste.
Entering photographs
Individuals 18 years of age or older, or younger than 18 years of age with parental consent, may submit entries.
Entries can be made in one of three ways: e-mail, CD or hard copy. E-mail and CD should contain original unedited quality images, if possible, submitted with the highest resolution available (at least 300 dots per inch).
CDs and hard copies may be mailed or brought to the school at 1301 E. College St., Bainbridge, GA 39819, ATTN: Tommie Howell.
After scanning or photographing, hard copies will be available for pick up. CDs and e-mailed images will not be returned.
If sending images via e-mail, files should be in JPEG or .jpg format and e-mailed to or uploaded to note the password is bearcat. E-mails with attachments that exceed nine MB will need to be sent separately.
Copyright photographs
By entering a photo, an entrant is certifying that the image is original and that he/she owns the copyright of the photos. The entrant further gives permission for all photos entered to be used in accordance with the Official Rules and terms outlined.
Official rules
By entering the contest, all entrants grant irrevocable perpetual non-exclusive license to authorized parties to reproduce, display and create derivative works of the entries (along with name credit).
The authorized parties reserve the right to verify the validity and originality of any entry and/or entrant (including an entrant’s identity and address) and to disqualify any entrant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these official rules.
The authorized parties will select photographs that best represent Bainbridge and Decatur County.
Photographs will be enlarged, may be cropped or edited, and will be reproduced on canvases to be hung in the school. Final canvas size will be determined by those doing the editing and printing.
If you are not a photographer but are interested in promoting the arts or helping to celebrate the completion of our high school’s facility, you can sponsor a canvas.
Costs for larger canvases will run $ 105 for a 2-by-3-foot canvas, and $210 for a 4-by-3-foot canvas.
As photographs are selected and paired with a location in the school, smaller or larger canvas sizes may be available for sponsorship.
Production costs are approximately $17.50 per square foot. If you are interested in sponsorship, contact Renee Wooten for details on making your tax-deductible donation.