Kendrick Volunteer Fire and Rescue needs your help
Published 2:53 pm Friday, May 1, 2009
We are hosting a raffle to benefit volunteer fireman and Public Safety Officer Collin Hastey.
On April 17, Collin had to be rushed to Emory University Medical Center in Atlanta due to a life-threatening medical condition. He had to undergo open heart surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm.
Collin’s wife, Gina, who was 39 weeks pregnant at the time, delivered their second child by C-section at the University of Emory Midtown on April 18. Gage Alan Hastey weighed in at 9 pounds, and 3 ounces. Gina came through the surgery without any problems.
On Sunday the baby was put into ICU due a medical complication. We are happy to report that both Collin and Gage are improving daily. Gina is tired but hanging in there. The Hasteys also having a 4-year-old son named Hunter, who is here in Bainbridge staying with family and friends.
Gina said, “They can’t wait until they are all able to come home.”
She was very overwhelmed and appreciative when told what the people back home were doing for them. Please keep them all in your prayers. This is an example of how things can change in the blink of an eye and the power of prayer!
Our department can’t say enough about the generosity and compassion of the people in this town. We decided at our meeting on April 21 that we wanted to try to do something to help Collin and his family. We started asking for donations for the raffle the next day and in just two days local businesses and individuals gave beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
By purchasing one raffle ticket for $2, you will have more than 10 chances to win some really great prizes. Some of the prizes include a $250 Wal-Mart gift card; $20 gift certificate at Jake’s Pawn Shop; Mother’s Day basket from The Tanning Company; Georgia Boots from Stone’s; Bream buster from Big Boys Bait and Tackle; a gift certificate for a massage or facial from Serenity Med Spa; a tailgate package valued at $59.95 from Boyd’s Pit BBQ; an outdoor gas cooker from Inland; a decorative outdoor metal “Sunshine Face” from Reeves Linen & Gift Shop, and gift certificates from Godwin’s Jewelers and Bainbridge Pharmacy.
More prizes will be announced later.
Kendrick Volunteer Fire and Rescue will be at River Town Days on Friday May 8, and Saturday, May 9, selling raffle tickets. Look for our fire truck and dunking booth. And while you are there buying a raffle ticket, try out your pitching arm on the dunking booth.
As of right now we have a county commissioner, several deputies and Public Safety officers.
This is a win-win situation; you will be helping a great family and having fun at the same time! You do not have to be present to win. Drawing will be at 12 p.m. on Saturday, May 9, at River Town Days.
For more information or if you would like to make a donation you can call: Gator Bryant at 220-7770; Rick Harter at 254-5375, or Velvet Mock at 246-9924 or 254-3742.
Thank you for your support!
Kendrick Volunteer Fire Department and the Singletons
Hastey bio from BL
Collin Hastey joined Public Safety as a patrolman on Dec. 8, 2006. Hastey graduated from the Northeast Georgia Police Academy in Athens during October and was voted the most outstanding cadet of the academy’s 205th class. Hastey has also been employed by the Walton County Sheriff’s Office and served as an officer at the Decatur County Jail between 1998 to 2004, attaining the rank of sergeant. An alumnus of Bainbridge High School, he is also a nationally registered emergency first responder. Hastey said he entered the field of law enforcement to serve his community.