Suspected gang activity
Published 7:02 am Wednesday, April 15, 2009
An assault occured over the weekend that is believed to be gang related.
On Friday, April 10, Bainbridge Public Safety Capt. Jack Bunting responded to an assault that occured near the Burger King on Shotwell Street.
The victim told police a group of males had run up to him, coming from behind Nic’s convenience store, and had jumped him. According to incident reports, the man had a laceration over his left eye that may have needed stitches and another laceration under his chin. The victim said he did not know the men who assaulted him and did not wish to press charges.
A witness to the event provided officers with the names and descriptions of several of the men involved.
Suspects matching the description were located at the Sims Street Apartments playground and when officers arrived they fled west toward Broughton Street. Police began to search the area on foot and soon witnessed several suspects jump out from a group of bushes and beginn running down Water Street. They gave chase and Officer Demetric Stubbs was able to apprehend one of the suspects, Tyree Bernard Williams, 17, of 108 Sims St. in Bainbridge.
In the report, the officer noted that Williams may be a member of the 229 gang and was wearing a red shirt that is common with the gang colors. Williams also has gang tatoos of 229, MOB and DSGB on his forearms.
Due to the victim not wanting to press charges, Williams was only charged with obstructing police.
Chief Investigator Frank Green said he believes the 229 gang is a group that originated in the Fowlstown area and has moved into Bainbridge, but there are several different groups.
“There has been gang activity that we have been investigating,” said Green.
He said the groups have strengthened in number and it is important for citizens to provide information about gangs and gang activity so parties involved can be brought to justice.
If you have information pertaining to gangs or gang activity in Bainbridge, contact Bainbrige Public Safety Investigations at 248-2038. If the gang activity is taking place within the county, contact the Decatur County Sheriff’s Office at 248-3044.
Pay attention to Move-Over Law
Atlanta—Think police work is dangerous? According to FBI reports, traffic enforcement units face some of the greatest risks on the road. In 2008 crashes and traffic-related incidents either equaled or exceeded officers under fire as the leading cause of police deaths in this country for the 12th consecutive year.
“Failure for drivers to simply move-over a lane can have killer consequences for our hometown police officers working alongside our highways,” said Director Bob Dallas of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS).
Nationwide, incident reports show law enforcement and emergency vehicles of all types are struck while working beside a highway … even while red, yellow, blue or white emergency lights are flashing.
“Let’s face it,” said Dallas. “Put a steering wheel in the wrong hands and a motor vehicle becomes a multi-ton killing machine. And although no criminal intent may be involved, when an officer dies because a careless motorist points a car in the wrong direction, that officer is just as dead as when a felon points a gun and pulls a trigger. That’s exactly why we have the Move Over Law here in Georgia.”
Georgia’s Move Over Law is a proven lifesaver, it’s common sense, and it has only two simple steps to remember:
Like the name says, it requires drivers to move-over one lane if possible whenever an emergency vehicle of any kind is working on the side of the road displaying flashing blue, red, yellow or white emergency lights.
And what if traffic is too congested to move-over safely? The Move-Over Law says if there’s no room to move over, drivers must slow down, below the posted speed limit and be prepared to stop.
Police have been enforcing this lifesaving law in Georgia since 2003. And now, wherever you drive across the country in 2009, 42 other states have laws like it. While the nation got around to adopting Move-Over Laws, more than 169 law enforcement officers have been struck and killed by vehicles along America’s highways since 1997. Those 12 tragic years demonstrate that each time an officer makes a traffic stop, it’s one of the gravest dangers police can face on the road today.
Both the Georgia DOT and many municipalities have posted warning signs throughout the state. A $500 fine for the first offense is a costly reminder, but as more local police departments deploy these high-visibility enforcement measures, all anyone has to do to avoid the Move-Over Law fine is use this common sense precaution behind the wheel: “Slow Down. Change Lanes. Save Lives.” Read the full text of Georgia’s Move-Over Law on our Web site at