Looking for Barberer connection
Published 8:10 pm Friday, March 20, 2009
My name is Charles Valentine, and I was born and grew up in Bainbridge. However, I moved to Jacksonville, Fla., many years ago, 1947. My parents were James M. and Minniedean Arline Valentine. They owned and operated the Farmers Exchange grocery store on Water Street for many years (back in the 1930s and early 1940s). My mother grew up out on the land where the Arline Family Cemetery is located.
The reason I am writing you is that I recently read an article { Senior Center correspondent Mary Morris} had written, which appeared in the Feb. 28 edition. In it, she referred to a Doris Barbaree, who apparently is ill. I do not personally know the lady, but the name created an interest.
I have been trying to do some genealogy on my father’s side of the family. I am 80 years old, so you see, there is no one that I can readily contact and seek information from.
My great-grandfather, John Valentine, married a Malinda Barber in Bainbridge in 1860. Her name appears on the wedding license this way. However, in trying to get information on her, I finally found something in the 1860 Census about a family whose name was Barberer. I think the census taker may have made an error in writing down their name because this is the only time I have found anything in that name. However, in the census listed with other of the Barberer children was my great-grandmother’s name.
The long and the short of it is I think maybe the name may have been Barbaree and I am trying to contact anyone in the family who I might to see if I can develop any information pertaining to my kin to that branch of the family.
If you would be so kind as to furnish me with a name and address and possibly a telephone number where I may contact some member of the Barbaree family and discuss this with them. I certainly do not want to disturb Doris Barbaree if there is any question of it affecting her health. Possibly there are other members or relatives that I might contact.
Hoping to hear from you soon and thanking you in advance for any help you may be able to give me.
Sincerely,Charles R. Valentine