It’s about being less provincial
Published 4:51 pm Tuesday, March 17, 2009
In Saturday’s Providence Journal, it writes about featuring Rhode Island in your state-of-the-year promotion.
A bit of trivia: The state capitol dome in Providence is made of Georgia marble. It is one of only three free-standing domes in the world. St. Peters and the Taj Mahal are the other two.
Inside the dome are the words of the Roman philosopher, Tacitus: “Rara Temporum Felicitas Ubi Sentire Quae Velis Et Quod Velis Dicere Licet,” is translates to “It is a rare, happy moment in history, when you may think as you wish and to speak what you think.”
Thank you for our dome and for teaching us to be less provincial and more open to learn about our great states, among which is the great State of Georgia!
Frank Sullivan
Editor’s Note: