Climax firefighters offer update to council members
Published 3:11 pm Friday, February 20, 2009
The Climax City Council heard on Feb. 9 from Climax Volunteer Fire Department Treasurer Wayne Blanton with a three-month report of the fire department’s finances.
Blanton said the monies collected was from large donations, as well as donations for a chance on the gift certificate at the Swine Time. The expenditures were for printing of the tickets, etc., and then equipment needed by the firefighters, for which the donations were supposed to be used for.
Blanton explained those expenditures as, purchase of the gift certificate from Wal-Mart for $271. The state requires the firefighters to wear a florescent vest at night and that purchase was $405. EMS supplies were $50. A roll-up garage door for the firehouse was $815. The purchase of extra tickets for the Swine Time drawing due to running out was $34. A plaque for the awards supper was $39. One face shield for a firefighter helmet was $64, and First Communication was $27 for one beeper case.
Blanton said the total collected from the Swine Time drawing along with a large donation was $2,340. The winner of the drawing, according to Blanton, was Bobby Stuckey.
Assistant Fire Chief Phillip Kelly announced that the department had acquired the Jaws of Life with money from the county; this enabled the first responders to begin work when someone needs the Jaws of Life instead of having to wait for the arrival of the county.
After the report, Councilman Ronnie Bishop complimented the Volunteer Fire Department and firefighters for their dedication and hard work. He also complimented Climax Police Chief Joel Jenkins for his hard work.
Jenkins reported he is working with the junk ordinance by having some of the old vacant trailers, buildings and such removed. He also said fines, fees and citations for the month of January was $4,587.
Councilman Bishop brought to the attention of the council the need of another street light on Railroad Street due to a very bad, dark spot near the railroad. This will be looked into, as well as a few other spots in town.
Mayor Liz Phillips complimented Maintenance Supervisor Greg Toole and the inmates as they worked in the cold in January to repair a broken water main in the city. She said a thank-you note was being sent.
Before leaving, Blanton asked for prayer for all the troops serving abroad, and his son, Shannon Blanton, is home on a short leave before leaving again for Iraq.