Penhallegon stepping down from United Way
Published 8:01 am Thursday, January 15, 2009
Clayton Penhallegon, who has served as executive director of the local United Way since 2002, has resigned from his position with the charitable organization, according to Bud Holleman, chairman of the board of the United Way of Bainbridge-Decatur County.
Penhallegon, an active member of numerous service organizations throughout the community, told Holleman earlier this month that he wanted to use his retirement years to pursue some special projects. He will continue to consult with the United Way Board until a replacement is found.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience and service to the community and look forward to pursuing some other philanthropic interests,” Penhallegon said. “I leave this organization in very capable hands.”
Holleman said that the board will consult with the statewide office of United Way before a search for a new executive director begins. Holleman credited Penhallegon with running an effective community fund-raising organization.
“There is no doubt that this community has greatly benefited from Clayton Penhallegon’s dedication, service and commitment to make Bainbridge and Decatur County a better place to live,” Holleman said.
Penhallegon, who was named Man of the Year for 2007, was presented with a plaque for his dedicated service to the community.