Open letter to all veterans

Published 3:58 pm Friday, January 9, 2009

American Legion Post 52 was formed in 1918 by several World War I veterans. It was chartered in 1925 as a full unit of the National American Legion.

Post 62 has continued to operate since that time. Post 62 actively participates in several of the national American Legion programs including the oratorical contest, school awards and Boys State. We also conduct the Veterans Day program in the park each year.

Every veteran should be thankful to the American Legion, as well as the Veterans of Foreign Wars and other veterans organizations for the work that has been done to obtain and keep veterans benefits.

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The American Legion works continuously to ensure that veterans benefits are available for all veterans to use.

To continue to keep these benefits, the American Legion and all other veterans organizations must continue to be viable in their local community as well as at the national level.

At this time, active participation by members of Post 62 is at a bare minimum. American Legion Post 62 cannot continue to be a viable post with the present participation. We need your help.

Our regularly scheduled meeting will be at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan 13, at the post home on Pierce Street. At this meeting we will discuss the future of Post 62 and what can be done to increase participation and maintain Post 62 as a viable organization in the community and as part of the national American Legion. This meeting is open to all veterans, regardless of their membership in the American Legion. Please attend if you can.

For information or directions to the Post, contact Commander Bob Strickland at 246-2527 or 220-7979.

I hope that many of you will attend this meeting because it is very important to the life of Post 62.

Bob Strickland,Commander Post 62