A fine experience
Published 2:07 pm Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I wish to tell you of a fine experience I had at the Decatur County Commission meeting the evening of Nov. 25 at 7 p.m.
I had read in The Post-Searchlight about the time and place of the meeting and the agenda, and I drove down from Columbus to appear.
As is my custom, I arrived early, and County Administrator Tom Patton was still on the job preparing for the meeting. He made me feel very welcome and let me use the conference room to look after my homework. Thank you, Col. Tom.
Before the meeting convened, County Clerk Beverly King let me check out the microphone and podium, and when it was my turn, she passed the handouts to the commissioners. A competent and willing spirit like hers is always appreciated.
Chairman Palmer Rich had already personally welcomed me being there, and when he called the meeting to order, the protocol was clear, first the prayer, then the Pledge of Allegiance, then the business at hand.
Other public meetings should be patterned after this one. The commissioners themselves were attentive and respectful.
For public officials to actually listen carefully to what is important to the constituent is reassuring, and gives a better profile of our government system. It is true that public officials don’t work for the government, they work for you. I can vouch for the fact that the Decatur County Commissioners do.
Jack Brinkley,Former member of90-97th Congresses