Health Fair serves hundreds
Published 3:13 pm Friday, November 14, 2008
When health care providers arrived at the Bainbridge Mall at 6:30 a.m. there was a long line stretching to the rear of the hallway waiting to go through the health screening offered by Memorial Hospital.
The public recognizes the benefits of this very successful health fair offered by the hospital for at least 10 years. First and foremost is the fact that the health fair is free of charge, except for the $18 fee for the laboratory wellness profile and a fee of $12 for the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) screening for prostate cancer in men. This is a recognized savings of $309 and $126 respectively.
The early crush of attendees, most of whom had fasted prior to the lab work, came early hoping to be able to grab some breakfast afterward before going on to work.
It is estimated those people averaged a one-hour wait to go through the screening.
Lab manager Jodi Scott said more than 300 persons had pre-registered and she estimated nearly 400 individuals had been through the wellness profile by 10 a.m—just three hours after the 7 a.m. opening.
By day’s end, the lab had done 450 wellness profiles and 240 PSAs, according to Jan Godwin, director of public relations for the hospital. Godwin estimates a total of 700 people attended the Health Fair and took part in at least one of the stations.
This is in addition to the 200 community women and 350 hospital employees who went through the Women’s Health Fair held Oct. 30.
Gene Miller, a participant this week, said he has been going through the health fair for many years.
Another, Dale Brock, described it as a very economical way to check on body functions and overall health. An added bonus for him is that he sees people there he hasn’t seen in a long time.
Flu shots were also available for $25, and Dr. Aric Aldridge and Mike Sims of Bainbridge Ophthalmology were available for vision screening and glaucoma testing.
Other services available were blood pressure checks, respiratory-pulmonary function testing and body fat analysis.
Exhibitors in the hallway distributed pertinent health care literature. Displayers included were Flint River Hospice, United Way, American Cancer Society and Narlito V. Cruz M.D. of the Bainbridge Allergy and Asthma Center, to name a few.
Scott personally reviews each test result. She said the hospital will mail blood test results to the patients in 10 to 14 days. However, in the case of any critical results findings, the hospital will call the person’s primary care physician.