BPS rescues puppy stuck underneath home for 13 days
Late Thursday afternoon, Bainbridge Public Safety officers rescued a puppy that had been stuck underneath a S. Broad Street house for 13 days.
The dog had crawled under the home and fallen into a hole approximately 15-20 feet deep. A resident of the home, who said the puppy was a stray, had dropped down food and water to it. Tiffany Taylor said she first heard the dog barking underneath her home and had called Public Safety previously, although officers apparently took no action at the time.
Finally, after BPS Deputy Fire Chief Doyle Welch learned of the situation at about 4 p.m. Thursday, he, other officers and City of Bainbridge Public Works employees responded to see what could be done.
Public Works equipment operator Buddy Wimberly crawled head-first under the home and lowered a rope with a loosely-tied noose down into the hole. When the dog stepped into the noose, the men up top pulled it tight so it would act as a makeshift leash. A pike pole—a firefighting tool that has a hook on one end—was used to to lift the dog to safety.
Others assisting in the rescue were Public Safety officers Eddie Williams and Bainbridge Animal Control Officer Ashley McMillan, as well as Public Services Director Steve Winburn.
McMillan said he estimated the dog was about three to six months old. The dog has been given the name of “Stewie” and is available for adoption at the Bainbridge Animal Shelter on Cox Avenue. The shelter is open Monday through Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter’s website is 246-0101 and its website is www.bainbridgehumanesociety.com