Decatur County Lions Club holds annual awards banquet
Published 4:13 pm Tuesday, June 25, 2019
- President Charlie Laing presents the Lion of the Year plaque to Chuck Lewis.
The Decatur County Lions Club concluded another year of outstanding service in its Annual Awards Banquet on Tuesday, June 18, 2019.
Club President Charlie Laing recapped the club’s activities over the past year.
Through its major fundraiser, Boston Butt sales and smokings on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Friday before Memorial Day, the club makes annual designated contributions to organizations including Family Connection, Georgia Lions Camp, Lions Club International Foundation, Southeast Guide Dog, Bainbridge-Decatur County Humane Society, Kids-N-Kops and the Salvation Army. In the Buford’s Bears project, named in honor of the late Lion Buford White, teddy bears and other cuddly critters are donated to the Decatur County Sheriff’s Department, Bainbridge Public Safety and other emergency responders to help ease the stress of children victims in traumatic situations. During the past year, the club also participated in the Kids-N-Kops event at the Boat Basin by making and giving away cotton candy and popcorn and provided a fish fry for the residents and staff of Bainbridge Health and Rehab.
President Laing presented the Lion of the Year award to Lion Chuck Lewis for his tireless work in supporting all activities of the club. Significant among his many contributions during the year include: as Treasurer, he ensured the financial records were organized and properly reported; when the club purchased a very large, but incomplete smoker, he spent many hours of hard work making all the attachments and modifications necessary to bring it into to a transportable and workable condition; he organized and maintained supplies and equipment for the smoking events; and, he participated in all the projects of the the club. Through his words and actions, he exemplified the qualities required of a Lion of the Year.
Secretary Carol Lewis announced the recipients of the 100% Attendance Awards: Bill Allen, Sheri Allen, Betty Hester, Cotton Hester, Charlie Laing, Grace Laing, Carol Lewis, Chuck Lewis, Hardy Powell, and Jack Taylor. On behalf of the club members, she presented a plaque to outgoing President Charlie Laing for his two years of faithful service and leadership to the club.
Past District Governor and member of the Decatur County Lions Club, Cotton Hester, inducted new member Jackie Joy.
Second Vice District Governor and member of the Perry Lions Club, Marty Myers, installed the club officers for the July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 term. They are: President Chuck Lewis, Vice President Sheri Allen, Secretary Carol Lewis, Treasurer Charlie Laing, Chaplain Sheri Allen, Lion Tamer Hardy Powell, Tail Twister Cotton Hester, Membership Chair Jack Taylor, Club Service Chair Grace Laing, Club Marketing Communications Chair Jack Taylor, and Directors Bill Allen, Jackie Joy, Jimmy Dickson and Debbie Elkins.
The Decatur County Lions Club looks forward to another successful year of growth and service.