BPS conducts annual ladder safety tests

Published 4:50 pm Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Last Thursday, Bainbridge Public Safety had its annual maintenance and service testing on ground ladders along with aerial testing.

According to Fire Chief Doyle Welch, “Mistras Testing Services spent much of the day stress testing and inspecting department equipment. If a ladder does not pass it is pulled out of service immediately and repaired.”

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Welch added, “Properly maintained ladders are essential to the safe operation of a fire department. Firefighters rely on the ladders to perform structurally and mechanically as intended. The annual inspection and test program uncovers many defects before they become major problems.  It gives the firefighter peace of mind to do his job knowing that the equipment is safe to operate.”

All of the ground, attic and roof ladders along with the aerial ladder at the Bainbridge Public Safety Department passed inspection, according to Welch.