Climax in good standing after City Council reviews 2014 audit

Published 5:47 pm Tuesday, September 29, 2015

At the Climax City Council meeting Monday night Sept. 14, Mayor Charles Hadsock announced that he needed to clear up a statement he made to Southern Paws at the August Council meeting
Quote “I need to clear up and retract a statement I made to Southern Paws at the last Council meeting. I said once the building was inspected and up to code, Southern Paws could be issued a temporary license until they could get up and running. It was not my intention to actually provide a license in any form. I was only trying to confirm that they would be able to work on the building before receiving a business license. A business license is not required to bring your building up to code compliance. The City of Climax Business Ordinance does not support the issuance of a temporary license.  No Business license can be issued without a majority vote from the City Council and no motion or vote was taken to issue a business license in any form. You will receive a business license after you complete all the code requirements and your building has an approved inspection report and the City Council votes to approve the business license. There was no intent to supply Southern Paws any special treatment. Everyone must meet all the requirements for a business license before a business license will be issued. The is the procedure for any and all persons applying for a license. I sincerely apologize to all parties if I offended or misled anyone with my comment. Signed Charles C. Hadsock, Mayor City of Climax, Ga.” Unquote.
Bruce Mann presented the 2014 Audit. After going over the audit with the Council, he stated that the City of Climax presented fairly and was in balance and fairly good share.
In department reports, Jeff Kelly reported on the Boat Races at the boat basin, and police John presilla reported about the danger facing law enforcement with officers being targeted to be killed.
Greg Toole reported that the tree was taken down on Main Street so the road could be repaired.
Old business: Mayor Hadsock reported that he had attended the Motorola meeting on status on the digital radios on August 19, 2015. Presently Motorola digital radios operate on a VHS system which is described by Motorola as a dirty system, full of interference. There is no way to fix the system; Motorola stated that Tom Paton and Carl Rowland knew that the system would not work. Motorola suggestion is to utilize all components that will perform with the 800MZ system and to scrap the balance of the Current VHS system and go to the 800MHZ system Decatur and Grady County can tie onto a 800MHZ frequency multiplier switch located in Thomas County, Thomas County would be acceptable to share the switch, since maintenance of the multiplexer switch is $60,000.00 per year. Decatur and Grady Counties sharing would reduce the maintenance to $20,000, 00 per year. Motorola will submit a bid for the 800MHZ system.
Turner Broad Band:  Mr. Turner was out of town and could not attend the meeting will schedule for a later date.
The new water billing system for the City is up and running.
The sign “Children at play” that went missing is back up on MLK.
The County has reimbursed the City for the Climax Fire Dept. workman’s comp. dues.
LMIG:  The council discussed and voted on 3 roads for resurfacing. The completion of West Broad Street to the City limits, Main Street and Drane Street.
New Business: A motion by Sandra Thomas second by Bob Jones carried to not raise the property taxes for the year 2016.
Maintenance supervisor Greg Toole asked to turn in 74 hours if his comp Mayor Hadsock stated that he would postpone that until the next Council meeting.  Other items being postpones until next month were: Repair of air conditioner at the depot, and voting on John Presilla benefits as a part time person.
Hadsock announced that Vanessa Martin will return to her council seat for another two years and a new member, Joseph Kelly will be taking the seat left vacant by Robert Jones.
The Mayo presented an amendment to the City’s noise ordinance.
A motion and second by Bob Jones and Sandra Thomas passed as follows:
1.    It shall be unlawful for any person or person(s) to operate or permit to be played, used or operate any radio, recording device, cassette or disc player or any other machine or device for reproducing sound or for recreational purposes creating sound, if the sound or noise generated is audible at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the device producing the sound. If the sound/noise is located in or on any of the following venues, unless approved by the Mayor and City Council:
1.    Any public property, including public streets, highways, buildings, sidewalks, parks or thoroughfares within the City; or
2.    Any private property where the duration of sound continues more than fifteen (15) minutes duration within the City will cease to be operated between the hours of seven (7) seven (7) a.m. in any manner described above.
3.    Any motor vehicle on a public street, highway or any public place.
2.    Any certified police officer may arrest an alleged violator of this of this section when the alleged violator;(a) refuses to provide the officer with such person’s name and address, sufficient information as may be reasonably available to the alleged violator; (b)refuses to cease such illegal activity after being issued a citation
3.    Upon conviction for the violation of this section, a person shall be charged as provided in Section 1-109.
This amendment to Ordinance 14-103 was duly adopted on a motion duly made and seconded and by affirmative vote of a majority of those present and voting, which constituted a quorum.
This September 14, 2015 signed by Mayor Charles Hadsock, and City Clerk, Karen Toole.
Reporters note; A special thank you to city Clerk Karen Toole for her assistance and contribution to this article.

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