Nominate 2011 Man of the Year

Published 7:09 am Friday, December 2, 2011

Nominations are being sought for the 2011 Man of the Year.

The Bainbridge Kiwanis Club requests the help of club, church and civic group members in nominating candidates for the award. The nominee should be an outstanding member of his community.

Activities in civic clubs or other similar types of organizations along with outstanding leadership are some of the qualities we are looking for. This award can not be given to a Kiwanian or anyone that lives outside Decatur County. Nominees must be 18 years of age and must not have been compensated for the service they are being nominated for.

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This award is meant to honor one outstanding male individual from our city or county. Nominations will be accepted until January 13, 2012 and the award will be announced at the Chamber Banquet to be held on January 26, 2012.

Nominations can be mailed to Bainbridge Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 401 Bainbridge, Georgia, 39818. Altneratively, nominations may be sent to Kiwanian Celeste Burke by e-mail at or they can be dropped off at the Chamber of Commerce building in the Earle May Boat Basin.