Keep thinking river town

Published 7:53 pm Friday, May 6, 2011

The Decatur Bainbridge-Decatur County Chamber of Commerce directors and those who planned River Town Days this year are to be commended for the addition of truly river-related activities in the line-up of events scheduled this Saturday at the Earle May Boat Basin.

Sure, there will be the usual Great River Rummage, vendor booths, antique car rally, kids activities and bands, all of which can be seen at any community festival—anywhere.

But, the beautiful Flint River is what sets us apart from all the others, and it is good to see a festival named River Town Days becoming what it portends to be—water related.

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We are beginning to take advantage and make the most of our resources by the addition of water sports and new events.

In addition to the always popular and entertaining Flint River Raft Race, those who attend this year will be treated to a boat parade, a boat display, a kayak race, a water skiing exhibition and speed boat shows.

There will even be a pirate ship, a new attraction, and one that could be most appropriate considering the history and nature of some ships that may have plied the waters of the Flint in earlier days when precious cargoes were transported to our early settlements. A paddle-wheeling river boat would be even interesting next year, as would crew races.

The possibilities are endless. Just keep thinking River Town.