New diseases, drugs
Published 3:00 pm Friday, June 25, 2010
The Centers for Voter Disease Control has issued a warning about a new strain of this old voter disease. It’s called Gonorrhea Lectim. It is pronounced “Gonna re-elect ’em” and it is a terrible obamanation.
Many voters contracted it in 2008. Most voters, after having been infected with it for the past year and a half, are realizing how costly and destructive this voter sickness can be.
Good news?
It can be treated.
There is a new voter drug just coming out called votemout. It is pronounced “vote ’em out.” You take it on July 20, Sept. 21 and Nov. 2 of 2010.
That should cure it. This “Votemout” voter drug was successfully tested in Virginia , New Jersey and Massachusetts with excellent voter results.
Thought for today: “Let’s start living the constitution.”
Guy BarberBainbridge, Ga.