A cure for pussyfoots

Published 4:22 pm Friday, August 7, 2009

George Wallace was one of those politicians I never took a shine to, but if you were from Alabama during his reign as governor, you were definitely one of his adoring legions.

Wallace had a saying I loved. Pussy foot. “Let’s stop pussyfooten’ around,” he would say when agitated about whatever it was agitating him—probably anybody who was a yankee and probably anyone who had anything to do with the federal government.

Well this is how I feel about the current debate on health care.

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We’re pussyfooten’ around.

I’d hope George would agree.

What’s disturbing about the current debate is that everyone is uncertain about what is being debated and so everyone has different horrors stories to lay on the unsuspecting public.

We could get through this thing if we would stop believing every scare tactic on the blogging Internet, and turn off the TV scaremongers who are more interested in collecting their million-dollar salaries than purveying accurate information.

It’s no secret there are those among us who want to see it fail, to see the President’s plan fail irregardless for the need for a health care plan that helps the unhealthy.

Oh there are all kinds of kooks out there trying desperately to sandbag it, drumming up scare tactics to turn the population against it, succeeding somewhat now that new polls show the public support fading.

It comes down to this. If you don’t have Medicare or a good insurance policy, then don’t get sick. You can’t afford it. By all means, stay out of the hospital. The fees are horrendous.

Staying well is the best health care plan you can devise, try if you might.

I am more concerned with the millions and millions of Americans who cannot afford any type of insurance, have poverty incomes that cannot afford to pay doctors, and without government subsidies to hospitals, could not pay emergency room fees, or to pay for vital medical tests.

These people must be helped. We should be supporting a health care system that takes care of those who cannot help themselves.

Last time I checked, we were still a Christian nation, so let’s act like one.

A long time ago, in a little town on the coast of Florida, first year of marriage, I went to the local country doctor for relief of an ailment of which I have long forgotten. The doctor and I chatted for some time, he diagnosed my problem, gave me some pills from his stock—without charge—then charged me $5 for the visit.

As I said, it was a long long time ago. A recent visit to a doctor’s office in Thomasville, in and out in about 20 minutes, a few simple tests, and the bill was $680. No free pills either. Thank goodness for insurance.

One of the scare tactics against universal health care is that the federal government will dictate to you which doctor you can see or cannot see. Have you checked your health insurance fine print lately. They can do the same.

Last year, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia stuck it big time to several Decatur County teachers who signed up for BCBS. Little did they know that the insurance company would decline any medical payment sent in by any doctor in Bainbridge. It was a grand nightmare.

So let’s get it done. Write your congressmen and senators. Tell them to stop playing politics with this vital issue. Tell them we are not fooled by their claim of non-partisanship.

Tell them you don’t give a hoot how much it costs.

Tell them to stop pussyfooten’ around and get it done.