Laymen Brotherhood Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Published 8:26 am Friday, September 28, 2012

A large crowd gathered for the 5th anniversary celebration of The Laymen Brotherhood Second Chance Outreach Ministry on Sept. 16, at their meeting place in the Bainbridge Church of God Annex, 205 Independent Street, where Pastor Rivera is minister.
Founder of the outreach ministry, Rev. Adren Bivins, Sr. of Emanuel M. B. Church, opened with prayer and greetings, thanking everyone for their support over the past five years and for coming to the celebration.
Brother Kenneth Clark, Jr. of Salem M. B. Church read the scripture from Psalms 133. Brother Joseph Milline of Emanuel M. B. Church prayed. Sylvia Bivins gave the welcome and occasion. Minister Jordan Griffin and his mother, Mrs. Patricia Griffin, youth choir director of Elizabeth Poplar Spring P.B. Church of Tallahassee, Fla., provided music and praises as they sang “How Great Is Our God.”
The Emanuel M.B. Church (Rev. John D. Thomas, Sr., Pastor) Young Adult Laymen Choir under the leadership of Deacon Greg Jones sang three spiritual uplifting songs: “Cooling Water,” “The Lord will Make a Way” and “Come On in my Room.” The Emanuel M. B. Church Youth choir, under the leadership of Sister Cathy Anderson and Sis. Janette Jones sang several songs, “Lord I Worship You” and “Waiting on Jesus.”
Ms. Patricia Williams, of Bainbridge College, gave an inspiring message to the audience. She spoke on great men and women of the Bible and the order of the Christian family, based on scriptures in the Book of Genesis. She concluded with trusting the Lord for everything we need.
Brother Kelvin Bouie, Sr., Decatur County School Board member for Dist. 1, Democratic Chairman, and member of the Laymen Outreach, addressed the crowd on the power of a parent, and being plugged into their children’s education, Christian walk, and explained the tutorial that is available online to check on their children to make sure they are in school. He said it is time for the parents to step up to the plate, because there are opportunities available for their children to move to the next level.
Deacon Brock Washington of Union Baptist M.B. Church commented on the right to vote and stressed it to the young people. He also encouraged them to stay out of trouble and be better prepared for their future.
Rev. Edmond Howard, Jr. said a prayer, and the people were fed and clothes and canned goods were available for distribution.
Deacon Greg Jones prayed the closing prayer and Rev. Bunivista Holmes, vice-president of the Laymen Outreach, gave the benediction.
The purpose of the ministry is to assist young people who need a sense of direction, a second chance to become productive citizens in society and live their life for the Lord.
Some services provided include temporary emergency shelter, food, clothes, mentoring, educational tutoring, anger and stress management classes, assistance with achieving a high school diploma, GED, transportation to Job Corps facility, military exams, street evangelism, jail and prison ministry, and intercede when needed in court cases.
Speakers are provided on topics dealing with health issues, defensive driving classes, substance abuse, and parent mentoring. The outreach program also has Bible study, preaching, praise and worship, and distribution of Bibles.
The Outreach ministry has provided services by some of the young people to do yard work and other jobs to raise funds. When funds are available, services are provided for outings such as football games, different church programs and other outings.
Meeting times are every third Sunday from 3 to 5:30 p.m. and are on call 24/7. The website is .

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